Safety Considerations When Mowing the Lawn

Australians seem to love their lawns more than other nationalities. Indeed, lawn maintenance is often regarded as something of a national pastime in the country. Even if you mow the lawn regularly and have never had any sort of safety incident, there are some safety implications to take into account. Stay safe when cutting the grass and make sure that you don't end up with anything nasty happening to you.

Electrical Power

Many lawn mowers that are used in the country are powered by an electrical cord. With any cutting device, such as a lawn mower, there is the potential to cut through the power cable. Although this will often not result in an electrocution even if it does occur, there is the potential for such an unwelcome outcome. If the live power is not cut off immediately, then you could face a serious problem. Therefore, never pick up a power cable which has been damaged without switching off the power first. Use your lawn mower with a circuit breaker so that you remain safe at all times.

Petrol Driven Mowers

Lawn mowers which use petrol to run are perfectly safe to use, but you should be careful when storing your fuel. Petrol that is not stored in a proper container which can be fully sealed may lead to powerful and noxious fumes overcoming those nearby. Any petrol that is left out in the strong sunshine may combust, so you must make sure the fuel is stored in a shady area, including the petrol in your mower's tank. Never smoke while using a petrol driven lawn mower.

Ride On Mowers

Like other grass cutting equipment, ride on mowers are very safe to use. Nevertheless, there are some safety precautions that anyone using one should consider. The first is to wear sensible clothing. Boots which fully cover your toes and heels are really essential items to wear. Open-toed sandals and flip-flops are not really suitable. In addition, you should wear a sun hat. Ride on mowers tend to be used for larger plots of land and, therefore, operatives need to ensure they are protected from the sun when they are likely to be out in the heat of the day for several hours on end.

Cutting Long Grass

When you are mowing a lawn which has not been maintained for month or years, long grass may cover lots of creatures, which might not welcome the invasion of their habitat. Skim over longer grass before mowing it so that venomous creatures vacate it before you use a lawnmower. It is a good idea to make some noise in the area before you begin cutting so that animals like snakes are encouraged to get out of the way.

About Me

New Home and New Garden

Hello, my name is Cindy and this blog details the things my husband and I have learnt during the process of renovating our home and garden. If there is one thing I hate, it is a messy garden and home. Although the property we moved into was very nice, the garden was overgrown, there wasn't a patio and I really wanted a water feature. The inside of the house was outdated and I decided I would like to extend the kitchen. It was going to be a big job so we found the best contractors we could. They were fantastic and they explained exactly what they were doing at every step along the way.



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