3 Simple Ways to Take Care of Your Shutters and Extend Their Lifespan

Shutters have been around for decades, and they are still among the most popular types of window coverings. Plantation shutters go beyond covering the window because they protect your building from harsh weather. However, if you want your shutters to last a long time and serve you well, you must adhere to proper cleaning and maintenance. You will also notice when your shutters are getting damaged sooner if you are keen on the maintenance aspect. 

Here are three simple ways to take care of your shutters and get more life out of them.

Clean Your Shutters Often

Cleaning is the primary maintenance procedure to follow for your shutters. When dirt, grime and other debris accumulate in the spaces between the slats, the shutters won't close or open efficiently as they should. They will also get dirty faster if you live in windy and dusty places. Moreover, they will gather more debris when there are trees that drop a lot of foliage on your property. 

Cleaning the shutters at least once every three months will help keep them clean and functional. You can use soap and a sponge to loosen the stubborn dirt from the shutters. After loosening the tough dirt, use a hose to clean them thoroughly. Ideally, it would be best to take your shutters to an open and airy space for cleaning and put them back when completely dry.

Protect the Shutters From Damage

Water and excessive sunlight are the two main reasons why your shutters might get damaged. If you installed wooden shutters around your property, use a sealant made from polyurethane to protect them from the effects of UV light. You can also try finishes that have a fruity scent to avoid water damage issues. They will protect the shutters from damage and give the entire room a wonderful smell. Remember to use oil-based lubricants between the tracks. It will help you protect the shutters from friction damage.

Handle the Shutters With Care

Shutters are not easy to damage. However, they still need to be handled with a lot of care. Always ensure you open and close them gently to ensure they don't develop avoidable problems. Do not yank at them or the strings, as this might lead to tearing and other damages. When cleaning them, avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive-based cleaners because they might cause more harm than good to the shutters.

These are some maintenance tips to follow if you want your shutters to be in perfect shape for a long time. With the above care and maintenance guidelines, your shutters can serve you for decades. 

About Me

New Home and New Garden

Hello, my name is Cindy and this blog details the things my husband and I have learnt during the process of renovating our home and garden. If there is one thing I hate, it is a messy garden and home. Although the property we moved into was very nice, the garden was overgrown, there wasn't a patio and I really wanted a water feature. The inside of the house was outdated and I decided I would like to extend the kitchen. It was going to be a big job so we found the best contractors we could. They were fantastic and they explained exactly what they were doing at every step along the way.



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